Burlington English México

Your partner for high-quality English language learning and assessment solutions

Solutions For Schools

VTest for Schools redefines primary and secondary English language assessment with high-quality, flexible, adaptive and affordable solutions for students aged 7-10 or 11-15, which trusted by learners, teachers, parents, and policymakers. 

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Burlington’s Live Speaking courses provide students with interactive online conversation classes that align with their school curriculum. Small-group lessons boost engagement and speaking confidence, supported by ongoing progress feedback for continuous growth. 

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Solutions for Higher Education

Discover our wide range of academic language assessments, perfect for placement, admission, progress tracking and certification. Learn more about our higher education English assessments here. 

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Discover Burlington English, a comprehensive blended-learning platform tailored for adult EFL English as a foreign language  students. Our standards-based curriculum includes in-class and at-home lessons, career-specific wordlists, grammar worksheets and an extensive digital library. 

Contact us today for a free consultation

Engage students with real-life, career-specific content and activities. Explore over 188 career-focused courses on our interactive platform, so students can learn, practice, and tailor their learning to their professional interests.  

Contact us today for a free consultation

Solutions for Corporate & Workplace

Validate your team’s English language skills with VTest professional English assessments, ideal for recruitment, placement and certification. Strengthen your team with VTest English assessments today!

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Immerse executives in real-world professional interactions customized to your needs through our corporate Live Speaking courses. Build speaking confidence with our advanced speech trainer technology. 

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Burlington Corporate English courses help professionals develop essential business communication and career-specific English skills at all proficiency levels and are available in blended or self-paced formats. The platform includes tools to efficiently track progress and provide data insights to organizations.  

Contact us to learn more 

Training & Support

Burlington English provides academic and operational support when integrating BE into your learning environments. From custom products to methodology training, and an extensive collection of both live and recorded workshops, the Burlington English team of qualified ELT – English language teaching specialists will support you in your CPD – continuing professional development needs. 

Contact us to begin improving your programs with BE today


Validate your team’s English language skills with VTest Professional English assessments, ideal for recruitment, placement, and certification. Strengthen your team with VTest English assessments today! 

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Discover how VTest is revolutionizing the English language assessment market with high-quality, adaptive, flexible and cost-effective assessment solutions for all industries, ages and sectors.

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Discover our new state-of-the-art, high stakes VTest Academic assessment, providing immediate, highly accurate reporting through secure and efficient administration.

Click here to learn more

Upcoming Conferences and Events

Watch this space for activities and events where you can join members of the Burlington English team,
and find out what they have been up to with our partners.
RECAP 2024
Check out what BurlingtonEnglish México has been up to this year, and join us for an amazing 2025!
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Como follow us to get exciting updates about where BurlingtonEnglish will be and all our announcements and updates. Click here to join the BEM family online.
BurlingtonEnglish México wishes you and yours the happiest holiday season. We look forward to kicking off 2024 with more exciting activities, products and services. Join us in the BEM family and take your teaching and learning to the next level!
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RECAP 2024
Check out what BurlingtonEnglish México has been up to this year, and join us for an amazing 2025!
We are on linkedIn!
Come follow us to get exciting updates about where BurlingtonEnglish will be and all our announcements and updates. Click here to join the BEM family online.
BurlingtonEnglish México wishes you and yours the happiest holiday season. We look forward to kicking off 2024 with more exciting activities, products and services. Join us in the BEM family and take your teaching and learning to the next level!

Part of a Global Group

For over 40 years, The Burlington Group has been publishing educational material used by millions of learners around the world. Today, Burlington is a major provider of digital solutions and services for language teaching, learning, assessment, teacher training and educational research globally.

our partners

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